BJJ and MMA equipment for the middle east.

It was time….

If you were anything like me you might have done the following :

1) Buy a judo GI
2) Buy a GI that shrunk to a 10 year old.
3) Buy a karate kimono that ripped on first use.
4) Buy a rash guard which frayed within weeks.
5) Buy a GI that didn’t shrink so remained oversized.

It really was time to offer us middle east BJJ and MMA practitioners quality sportswear at the right price. I’ve been on a mission for the past 3 weeks in finding someone to collaborate with and then setting up the site – the satisfaction of getting some branded GIs and rashies out to Qatar / Saudi/ Oman /UAE really makes it all worth while.

After some failed partnerships and offers which never materialised I found someone to collaborate with – and thankfully they offer a lot of support and help you every step of the way. Their delivery charges aren’t too much either between $30-40 – but I still advise you to purchase several items to save in this area too.

I’ve been running the site as a blog and will continue to do so but my focus will also be in making sure Jujisers and MMAers can access some branded good quality merchandise at the best prices. I’m going to try and get some discounts off the already incredible prices – watch this space – and will be offering some info. for newbies !!!