365 BJJ Blogs & Journals and Counting

I’m a regular reader of Steve’s blog Click here to launch and recently he’s had an GI design contest which I thought was a great idea.

Do any of you guys know of any crazy GI designs I was thinking of getting one made for my new “right sized” GI ??!!!
Found a really good site with a survey about the best GIs

Steve’s blog is very insightful – it’s one of my regularly reads along with BJJ weekly and the fightpodcast of course !!

Some words of wisdom:-

“Nothing good comes easy. Jiu-jitsu takes time.” (Fabio Clear Belt’s instructor)

One a final note check out Juim’s Journal I found it pretty insightful.

For everyone out there who doesn’t have one get a blog and start blogging BJJ it will help your understanding of BJJ and keep you focused if your on the sidelines.

P.S. I’ve found over 365 BJJ blogs on the web – wow that’s a lot of people talking about BJJ !!
Check out this one – THE BJJ NEED FOR WEED