Neck Problems in BJJ

Qatar BJJ – The Weakest Link

The weakest link – a phrase I first heard on a TV quiz show – can be applied to your life and health in so many ways. The weakest link for Qatar BJJ out here in the middle east is the lack of government support and general public interest in sport.

What’s my weakest link- that would be telling – at the moment my shoulders have been up and down for the last 8 weeks with the right one in considerable pain (I’ve been off training for about 6 weeks)….. I finally went to a doctor (don’t trust em normally…) and he gave me a muscle relaxant and a topical cream to reduce the swelling – it seems he thinks it a frozenish shoulder (although I have full range of motion and all my strength). I take my BJJ partner’s opinion ( a trained physiotherapist) its most likely a tight muscle / tendon causing the whole muscle chain to freeze up and cause pain from rubbing on the tendon/nerve.

I’m finally back on the mat but am being incredibly careful with the shoulder – using my legs much more than my arms to lock people in …. hopefully this will all help me improve my game and move me in different directions.

A really good article on the subject can be found at

Good training to you all !